Unreasonable Doubt by Yaara Zach

Photo Credit: Elad Sarig

Yaara Zach talks about Unreasonable Doubt, a solo exhibition that is currently being exhibited at the Petach Tikva Museum of Art in Israel. Showing until September 29, 2018 and curated by Hadas Maor. This project was proudly supported by our Small Grants Program.

It wasn’t the thought of a specific body, but of the gaps between bodies, that initiated this installation. I was already creating hybrids made from black crutches and whips when I started to focus on this idea to make these ink bodies. Soon after, I started to create the crutches-whips objects –  I wasn’t thinking of them as objects with two distinguished origins anymore. They gave into their own logic, existing passively between the wall and the floor. The body was already there, missing in these three-dimensional silhouettes.

Starting to create my ink sculptures, I was driven by the desire to control liquid (which didn’t seem to want to be controlled, which made me want it even more). Looking back at the beginning of this process, it was the thought of the human body and its limits that stood in the foundation of this wish; the skin, veins and arteries, but also its industrial membranes, bodies extensions, and the intimacy that accrued in the meeting points of the body with its surroundings.

While working on this installation I recalled a childhood memory. I was five and my Mom and I were standing in a circle with a group of men who were building what would become our family house. On the ground was a snake. It came out of the ground during the construction. Someone hit it with an axe, splitting it into two. Its parts kept moving. It was dead, and it was alive.

The installation is primarily black. Every object, color and shape in it was divided from this black monochrome existence.

In addition to her exhibition at Petach Tikvah, Yaara is also exhibiting “Unreasonable Doubt Moscow” as part of the main project of the Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, curated by Lucrezia Calabrò Visconti. The project is also featured in Yaara’s new artist book, “Lay Low”.

Photos by Elad Sarig

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