Made in Contact by Bonny Nahmias and Gabriella Willenz

In this feature, Bonny and Gabriella share how a personal art exchange that started in the early days of the pandemic evolved to Made in Contact – a digital art book bringing together 30 Asylum Arts alumni.

What Would You Bring? by Juliet Simmons

In this feature, Asylum’s friend and collaborator Juliet Simmons is asking us to think about what we have in common with refugees around the world today and in the past, a process that she undertook … Read more

A Tourist In Your Own Home By Shasha Dothan

In her essay, Shasha Dothan recounts her experiences as an immigrant to the USA and how her negotiations with this process resonated with fellow artists. Shasha curated “A Tourist In Your Own Home,” an online … Read more

Luck / O Lord

Luck / O Lord by Atalya Laufer

In this essay, Atalya Laufer shares the work process and the different contributions for her latest project – Luck / O Lord – a collaborative 4-hour musical exploration that was a part of the Lucky Jewathon Festival. At the end of the essay, you can explore all the contributions to the project.


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